
Winter Warmers Wishlist

1. I love slippers, and these bunny ones from Next are adorable, I reeeeally want them!

2. I have a few scarves, but I've never bought a snood before. I love the colours in this one from Dorothy Perkins, and I think it would probably be more efficient than a scarf. Might be worth investing in one as it is definitely getting considerably colder!

3. I don't wear hats too often, but this festive one from New Look is really fun, I love novelty Christmas things!

4. So these H&M loafers aren't really winter warmers, but they are sparkly shoes. I doubt I'd ever wear them but still, they're pretty.

5. Another pair of slippers, again from Next. They would be so perfect for the festive season, especially for those days when you just want to stay cosied up in your pyjamas!

6. OK, I'm going to admit now that I don't get the whole onesie obsession that everyone seems to have at the moment. They just seem so incredibly impractical and are always too expensive for me to overlook that. But this monster onesie from Topshop is just so ridiculous and obnoxious that I really want it haha.
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