
Late night blogging

These are the last of my photos from before I got my haircut. I found them in a folder on my laptop, just waiting for an occasion such as this when my blog has been a tad neglected. Sorry blog.

I currently have a lovely view of scaffolding outside my bedroom window, as we're having some work done at home due to start tomorrow. I'm mentally preparing myself for a week of hell.

Skirt, Top and Cardigan: ASOS
Shoes: New Look

Song of the Day: Ghost by Ella Henderson. A surprisingly great debut for a former X-Factor contestant.



Way back in January, I wrote this post outlining a few of my goals for 2014. Number 1 on that list was to start playing the piano more regularly. I'm afraid to say that I haven't played it at all this year. Not once.

Until today that is. We have a proper piano (I say 'proper', it's not a baby grand or anything as it's still an electric one, but it's human sized. With a chair and everything.), but in the last couple of years, every time I've played on it I end up getting incredibly frustrated when I don't pick up things as fast as I'd like to. So today, I went rooting in the attic for the keyboard I knew was up there, and I've brought that into my room to practice on.

As it's much smaller than the piano, it doesn't seem as daunting to me and I figured I could practice enough to not feel embarrassed playing, before I graduate to the 'big girl' piano. I've even ordered some new music to play, one will be arriving tomorrow, and the other I got in Kindle form because I didn't want to wait. The good thing about the keyboard is it shows you on the little display what note you're playing, so that should make things easier for me if I get stuck.

So that's my Friday activity. I should probably go outside, it's really sunny...

Currently reading: The Maze Runner by James Dashner, because I saw a trailer for the movie and it looks really good.

Song of the Day: That's What's Up by Lennon & Maisy


Hair news! (how exciting)

I finally got myself down to the hairdresser's today. I last got it cut in January, so it's a long overdue haircut and I feel much better for it.

These are my 'before' photos. I actually really love how my hair looked. It's got a really nice natural wave and I do like having it this long. It felt horrendous though. And I don't really use heat on my hair. I haven't straightened it at all this year and have only curled it twice. I honestly think the reason it felt so dry and was breaking so much was because of my hairbrush, as I bought that at a similar time to my last haircut. So I've now got a tangle teaser, as recommended by my hairdresser (and on sale too!).

And here's 'after'. I've still got length and shape (despite having a good 3 inches chopped off) but it feels so much healthier. Plus I bet you a tenner that my boyfriend doesn't even notice a difference.

In other news, I'm having a real Blink-182 binge at the moment. I've been listening to their self-titled album on repeat, and feeling ancient because I remember it coming out when I was 14 and that was 11 years ago. How time flies.

Song of the Day: When I Was Young by Blink-182

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