Yesterday was my last shift at work before my holiday and on the drive home Dancing In The Moonlight was playing on the radio and I had a good old fashioned singalong. It would have been rude not to.
Unfortunately I have yet to really even think about packing. I might do it later, but then again I might leave it until the last minute. I'm good at winging it. Jack, on the other hand, has already had what he's called a 'practice pack' to make sure his luggage would come in under our allowed weight. I think his bag weighed 9kg and we're allowed 23kg each. So I guess that if I overpack, at least he'll have room. Or there will be lots of space for souvenirs!
When I was at Ragdale Hall last week with my mum I took a few photos of the grounds shortly before we left (I say a few, there were about 80 of them), and I managed to convince myself I had already posted them on here. Turns out, I hadn't. So here they are!
Ragdale was lovely. Super relaxing and in an absolutely beautiful setting. I'd never been to a spa before and wasn't sure whether it would really be my 'thing'. However I put my preconceptions aside and just let myself enjoy the experience. I'd go again just for the coffee and walnut cake in the little cafe. Almost as good as my Grandma's. Almost.
Song of the Day: Radioactive by Kings of Leon
August Plans
It's been quiet around here. Too quiet. So here's some photos from like a month ago along with an update.
Luckily, August is looking tip-top. Tomorrow, I'm off to a spa for a couple of days with my mum.
We're going to Ragdale Hall which looks very nice. I've never been to a spa before (I'm not much of a pamper girl) so it'll be a new experience for me.
Then on the 25th, Jack and I are jet-setting off to Rome, because we are oh so civilised and cultured. I'm excited, but I think I may need to invest in a pair of comfy shoes as we will be walking a lot.
Luckily, August is looking tip-top. Tomorrow, I'm off to a spa for a couple of days with my mum.
We're going to Ragdale Hall which looks very nice. I've never been to a spa before (I'm not much of a pamper girl) so it'll be a new experience for me.
Then on the 25th, Jack and I are jet-setting off to Rome, because we are oh so civilised and cultured. I'm excited, but I think I may need to invest in a pair of comfy shoes as we will be walking a lot.
Top: River Island
Jeans: New Look
Sandals: New Look
In other news, I watched Guardians of the Galaxy last week and it is seriously so good. Really, really funny. I downloaded the soundtrack today as well (because it's awesome) and I can't stop listening to it, it's so perfect for summer.
Song of the Day: Fooled Around And Fell In Love by Elvin Bishop