
The Day of the Pancakes is upon us

So apparently I just check in at the end of the month now. Okay. Hi.

It's finally Pancake Day at least - I can't believe I've had to wait the entire month for it, I'm sure it wasn't this late last year.

We had Valentine's Day which was nice. I think I've mentioned this before but the cards Jack gets me always have dinosaurs on them, but he said he couldn't find one that he liked enough, or that he hadn't already got me in the past. So to make up for it, inside the card he did get me were two postcards from Paperchase, one of which has a T-Rex on it (the other has a turtle). Everytime I go into Paperchase I always look through their postcard rack to see if there's any good ones, and if there are I'll pick one up and stick it on my bedroom wall. Before Valentine's Day I had 4, and when I stuck the two new ones up next to them I was dismayed to see that they weren't the same size as the others. And I mean, postcard sizes are standard, right? The four original ones I had are all the same size. But the T-Rex one is slightly wider and slightly longer than the others, and the one with the turtle is slightly thinner and slightly longer. The size discrepancy has aged me prematurely, and I don't know why it annoys me so much but it does.

Jack said: "You could just cut them."

And I said: "That's not the point."

I suppose there are bigger problems in the world. But still.

It's been another fairly good reading month; not as many read as January but I'm still sitting pretty at 11/40 books read so I'm pretty chuffed. I don't have a least favourite this month as I've liked everything, but my favourite was probably History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera. It's not all that long but I finished it in one sitting because it was so painful that I wanted to get it out of my system all in one go. I felt like someone was clenching my heart the entire way through and it stayed with me for daaaaaays.

Finally, Spotify does this thing where every week they generate a playlist of 30 songs that they think you'll like based on what you listen to on there, called 'Discover Weekly' and I've found some new songs because of it that I keep playing on repeat:

Drive by Gretta Ray

Say No More by Fickle Friends

Honey by Swim Deep

See you at the end of March! Or sooner! Or never! Who knows? Not me, that's for sure.

Currently reading: I just finished A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab so I'm probably going to start A Conjuring of Light next because there was a cliffhanger and I have questions that need answering.

Song of the Day: Honey Bee by Seahaven (I think that you deserve some form of apology/ So here I am, and here it is, I'm sorry)

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