I went to the cinema today with my Mum and Daf. Mum and I watched One Day whilst Daf opted for The Inbetweeners (which I still really want to see - wasn't too sure what Mum would make of it though!). Apart from a problem with the picture at the start (it was too big for the screen and the top and bottom of the picture was cut off), One Day was really good. I read the book (by David Nicholls) in near enough one day, ironically enough. I only got it on Wednesday and really wanted to read it before we saw the film, and luckily I managed to finish it - I'd definitely recommend it.
After the cinema, we went into town to a Thai restaurant, which was lovely. In the car on the way home, as my Mum was overtaken on a residential street for the third time, she said: "Another dipstick! That's three dipsticks today!" Dipstick is her favourite word to describe other drivers. I love my mother.
Anyway, I've now got five days of work in a row to look forward too. Maybe everyone will feel sorry for me working Bank Holiday weekend and tip really generously. One can only hope...
Big Brother
Hello. Remember me?
It's been a while, I know. I didn't really want to write anything when the riots were going on because it made me angry. Cher Lloyd got to number one, but that made me really angry too. What is the world coming to?
A brand new series of Big Brother starts tonight at its new home on Channel 5. When it had its big finale last year, I knew another channel would pick it up at some point, but I didn't think it would be back on our screens a year later. It's like it never went away really. I was never a huge Big Brother watcher, there was only one or two series that I properly got into. Anyway, I'm going to share my top 5 Big Brother moments, you lucky things.
In no particular order...
BB7's Nikki Grahame's infamous "Who is she?!" rant in the diary room. Nikki was the best ever. Incredibly irritating but so so funny.
Alex Sibley from BB3 hiding behind the door then miming along to That's The Way I Like It. Brilliant.
My next one is from BB7 again but I cannot find a video for it anywhere and it's really annoying me because it's amazing. It's the bit when Glyn is singing his song about cooking an egg for the very first time. There's loads of remixes on YouTube but I want the actual clip and I can't find it. Never mind, moving on.
OK, the internet is failing me and I can't find videos for anything, so here's just a generic 'best bits' one for you, if you feel like being nostalgic about Big Brother.
I feel really let down by YouTube.
It's been a while, I know. I didn't really want to write anything when the riots were going on because it made me angry. Cher Lloyd got to number one, but that made me really angry too. What is the world coming to?
A brand new series of Big Brother starts tonight at its new home on Channel 5. When it had its big finale last year, I knew another channel would pick it up at some point, but I didn't think it would be back on our screens a year later. It's like it never went away really. I was never a huge Big Brother watcher, there was only one or two series that I properly got into. Anyway, I'm going to share my top 5 Big Brother moments, you lucky things.
In no particular order...
BB7's Nikki Grahame's infamous "Who is she?!" rant in the diary room. Nikki was the best ever. Incredibly irritating but so so funny.
Alex Sibley from BB3 hiding behind the door then miming along to That's The Way I Like It. Brilliant.
My next one is from BB7 again but I cannot find a video for it anywhere and it's really annoying me because it's amazing. It's the bit when Glyn is singing his song about cooking an egg for the very first time. There's loads of remixes on YouTube but I want the actual clip and I can't find it. Never mind, moving on.
OK, the internet is failing me and I can't find videos for anything, so here's just a generic 'best bits' one for you, if you feel like being nostalgic about Big Brother.
I feel really let down by YouTube.