DIY gift tags

Mondays always feel like Saturdays to me because I work weekends, so I've had a nice relaxing day, spending the morning in town doing a bit of shopping and the afternoon making Christmas gift tags out of the Christmas cards we got sent in 2011. I meant to do it as soon as we took the cards down, but I put them in my old room which I hardly ever go into, and I forgot about them. Until today.

Sure, they're a bit wonky (apparently I can't cut straight even if I have a line to follow), and some of them are odd sizes, but I like them. They're rustic. Now all I need to do is find a hole-punch and some string, and I'm all sorted in the Christmas gift-tag department.

I spent a bit of time sorting out the layout of my blog yesterday. I added picture links to my Flickr, Tumblr and Twitter accounts and put them on the right sidebar. My Twitter account is brand new because I deleted my old one a while ago as I never really used it and found it a bit overwhelming, but I'm giving it another go. If anyone's interested in following that, feel free! I'm super interesting!

Finally, I've discovered the webcam on my laptop, which might possibly make me really vain, or just make me start to really hate my face. I'm not sure which one yet.

Hello from my webcam

I think that's all for today then folks. I will be back soon. Probably. Maybe.

Song of the Day: Hey Ya by Obadiah Parker (originally by OutKast)

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