

Today was the first sunny day I've actually been able to enjoy in ages, and I managed to get sunburnt on one arm. Fantastic, I look ridiculous. But anyway, here is what I wore today.

Action shot!
Dress: New Look
Shoes: Dorothy Perkins

This dress kind of reminds me of this one that I wore the last time we had nice weather, except it's not quite as grown up. And yes, I'm aware I'm wearing stripes again. One of these days I'll branch out a bit. Maybe.

Anyway, exciting news. I have an iPhone now and I fully intend on being really obnoxious about it and instagramming everything in sight. I do love jumping on the bandwagon!


Mellow Monday

After one of the worst weekends at work that I can remember in a long time, it's nice to have a day off to put my feet up (which is actually necessary because they are in so much pain). My parents are currently about a week into their holiday in San Francisco. I am insanely jealous, especially with this horrendous weather we've been having. The sun did come out for a bit over the weekend (whilst I was working, naturally), but it has been pouring down all day so far so summer is still yet to arrive in the UK. Which is annoying, as we're now halfway through July.

Speaking of being halfway through July, that means I should have read more than half of the books on my 30 books list for this year. I am nowhere near halfway through. In fact, I'm still reading It, which is rather lengthy and Stephen King seems to be taking an awfully long time getting to the point. I think I'm going to have to start reading several books at once to make any sort of dent in the list. I probably should have picked 15 books instead. Oh well, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Last week I went to see the new Spiderman movie, which was awesome and not just because Andrew Garfield is oh-so pretty. I also watched Never Let Me Go the other night and then my heart broke into a million tiny pieces. 

And finally, this is currently my favourite video on the internet.

Song of the Day: Reasons Not To Be An Idiot by Frank Turner

Currently reading: It


A hint of summer

I don't want to alarm anyone, but the sun has been out today. I wore a SKIRT. Of course, I've now retreated into jeans and a hoody because it got cold and rainy, but still. Sunshine.

Top: Next
Skirt: Matalan
Shoes: New Look
Hairband: Dorothy Perkins

The first thing my boyfriend did today was tell me that my t-shirt had a hole in it, because he is oh so hilarious. As you can see this outfit is another demonstration of my love of stripes, I am obsessed. I have about three tops similar to this but I can't bring myself to get rid of any of them because I've convinced myself that there's some original detail on each of them (like the bow and cut-out detail on this one), and I can't bear to part with any of them. Basically, I have a problem. Also, this hairband has hardly left my head since I bought it the other week. And it was only £2! Bargain.


A lazy outfit post

If you live in the UK, you'll probably have noticed that it's still raining. Therefore, I haven't been outside all day. And because we've been having a lot of these days, an awful lot of my outfits have looked like this one:

Cardigan: Matalan
Top: New Look
Jeans: Dorothy Perkins

There's been variations on this outfit, of course, but the main components (as in jeans and a t-shirt) have remained the same, and I thought it would be a bit boring to photograph everyday. If the weather doesn't improve soon (which in all likelihood, it won't) I might recreate some of the outfits I've worn out recently but didn't get a chance to photograph, like what I wore on my birthday, for my Grandad's birthday meal, and even what I wore to the cinema yesterday was quite nice. Which reminds me, if you haven't seen it yet, go and watch The Amazing Spiderman. It's good. No offence to Tobey Maguire but Andrew Garfield makes a much better Spiderman.


Is this summer?

I can't believe it's July already. When January rolls around, you think the year is going to go so slowly, but before you know it you're over halfway through. My mum got back from Saudi last week, and this morning my dad also returned, and I can smell a Sunday lunch cooking as we speak. It's good to have them home.

Yesterday the Olympic Torch passed through my city, so my mum and I went into town early to avoid the road closures as we needed to do a little bit of shopping. After leaving M&S and heading back to Sainsbury's we got caught in a torrential downpour which left us soaked through, despite having an umbrella. As a result, I felt cold for the rest of the day, then had to go to work and missed the Andy Murray match at Wimbledon.

We watched the live feed of the Olympic Torch relay through the city. We decided not to venture down to see it in person for fear of being caught in another freak shower, and also crowds of people preventing us actually seeing anything! As soon as I stopped seeing places I recognised, I lost interest and went back to the tennis.

In other sporting news, I'm hoping that Italy win in the Euro 2012 final tonight - I got them in the sweepstakes at work so I'll win the money if they can beat Spain! Fingers crossed.

Song of the Day: Does He Love You? by Rilo Kiley

Currently reading: It. Longest book ever (or it feels that way).

Remember me?

I have been super busy, and that's about the only explanation I have for my absence. I haven't had a chance to do any outfit photos, but I have been shopping, so here's a little 'What I Bought' kind of blog post.

Possibly the most beautiful wedges I have ever seen in my life. I got these from Marks and Spencer's yesterday morning, right before me and my mum got caught in a torrential downpour. I used to think I was far too cool for M&S, but they have such pretty things in there at the moment...

...like these skinny jeans (which I definitely should have photographed on a dark background). My lovely mother bought these for me as a belated birthday present as I didn't know what I wanted before. They are so very pretty.

Finally, I bought this denim jacket from Dorothy Perkins. The last denim jacket I had is too big for me now so I was in the market for a new one, but so many of the ones in the shops at the moment are cropped with 3/4 length sleeves, but I wanted a proper sized one with full-length sleeves. This one fit the bill pretty perfectly.

Anyway, hopefully I'll get around to doing an outfit post soon!
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