
Signs of Spring

Everytime I think I'm getting back on track with this blog I end up not posting for weeks and then feeling horribly guilty. This is supposed to be fun, damnit. 

Anyway, some of the trees and flowers in the garden are finally blossoming, so that's pretty to see. There's a few daisies growing on the lawn as well, serving as a nice reminder that it needs a good mow. I wonder if I can talk my boyfriend into doing it for me, I don't get on very well with the lawn-mower...

Photos! I feel like I haven't had photos on this blog in ages. Enjoy.

Song of the Day: No Reply At All by Genesis, just because I heard it yesterday for the first time in ages.

Currently reading: Nothing, I'm being a massive reading slacker at the moment :(


Maxi skirts

I took photos in a slightly different spot to usual! It was sunny, and the area in front of the fence gets shady pretty quickly and I wanted to stand in the sunshine for a change. It was so warm, it's been lovely. Today it is cloudy and looks like it could rain any second. Bring back the sun!

I now own two maxi skirts. This one is a good length as it actually doesn't drag on the floor when I walk around. The other one I have is a little bit longer but I could always wear it with wedges, or just pull it up a little higher.

When I looked through these photos after taking them, I realised how incredibly pale I am, haha. I think I could do with a bit of a sun-tan.

My hair is a big old mess. I'm starting to get a couple of split ends now so really should get it cut, but it's just an effort, plus I really like the length. Ah well, I'll just have the ends trimmed I guess.

Hat: New Look
Top: River Island
Skirt: Primark
Espadrilles: Dorothy Perkins


Casual Mondays

I know today isn't Monday. But yesterday was, and that's when I took these photos. I love Mondays because I work Wednesday-Sunday so it's kind of like the start of my weekend. After an incredibly exhausting few days at work I decided I deserved to do something for myself and so I headed into town to get myself a few treats (including all the items in this outfit post). Then I went to the supermarket and bought enough food to feed a small army. Don't go food shopping when you're hungry, folks.

I know, I know, the sun is finally making appearances and the weather's getting warmer - there is no need for me to still be buying knitwear. But look how pretty this top is, seriously! I couldn't resist. And the floral espadrilles were 25% off, so it would have been rude not to buy them really. And as for the jeans, I've been wanting a pair of lighter denim skinnies for the summer, and these fit the bill pretty perfectly. This is not all I bought either - I think I'm set on the clothes shopping for a while!

Top: New Look
Jeans: New Look
Espadrilles: Dorothy Perkins


Spring has Sprung

The weather has finally started improving! So better late than never I guess. Apparently next week the temperatures will possibly be reaching 20 degrees, so that's awesome and better actually happen. Anyway, look I wore some clothes!

I went a bit snap-happy with this outfit and ended up taking more photos than I usually do. I love this top, pink and navy go so well together. I wish my shoes were also navy so they'd match a little better but never mind, black goes with everything so I think I got away with it.

Jacket: Primark
Top: Dorothy Perkins
Jeans: Dorothy Perkins
Shoes: New Look
Necklace: Matalan (I think!)
Earrings: Gift



Want to know what I've been up to? Of course you do.

Not a lot to be honest, except for blogs. I stopped reading Linger for a bit. I was going to start it again last night but my Kindle needed recharging so I went to sleep instead.

Game of Thrones. I finished series 2 last night and now I'm really mad that I don't have Sky Atlantic to watch series 3. I'm super excited that the second series of New Girl has started on E4 now as well, I love that show. I've also seen a few new (to me) films; What To Expect When You're Expecting (pretty funny), The Social Network (which I liked much more than I thought I would), Adventureland (I unexpectedly hated it, despite loving the cast), Breaking Dawn Part 2 (which was obviously shit), and The Woman In Black (which was ok, but it's one of those films where you're constantly having to watch the background for the spooky stuff - it's still pretty jumpy though. Unfortunately it was hard to find Daniel Radcliffe believable as a Dad. Plus he's Harry Potter.)

Listening To:
Tegan and Sara, Bastille, Frank Turner, Justin Timberlake and Jamie T.

A holiday to be booked soon I hope. Also, deciding on what to do for my birthday in June and hopefully going to visit my friend at some point. Also, looking forward to warmer weather (which seems to be on its way) so that I can just sit around in the garden and do nothing.


A bit of inspiration

A while ago, Carrie posted this outfit on WishWishWish and I thought that I had similar enough items in my wardrobe that I could kind of recreate it. So I finally got around to that today

It's another one of my problematic skater skirts that I love so much but have difficulty styling! The jumper tucked in looked silly on me so I left it out, and it still felt a little too cold without the long sleeved top on underneath. And I am wearing tights by the way, I'm not that brave!

I never would have thought of putting this outfit together had I not seen Carrie's blog. It's nice to be inspired to try different combinations of the clothes you have instead of wearing them with the same things over and over again.

When I was taking these photos, I looked down and noticed a few bits of chocolate on my jumper, perhaps I should give it a wash!

Jumper: New Look
Top: Dorothy Perkins
Skirt: River Island
Shoes: Matalan
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