
A Musical Recommendation

When I was in high-school, I would pretty much just exclusively listen to punk rock/pop music. Basically a lot of Blink-182, New Found Glory, Sum-41, Bowling for Soup...you get the gist. As this was my favourite kind of music, I tended to dismiss anything different straight away without really giving it a chance.

These days, thankfully, I've evolved. My iTunes library ranges from ABBA to Eminem to Paramore and everything in between (with several soundtracks from musicals thrown in for good measure). I still love the bands I listened to when I was 15, and it's funny that when I hear those songs now it takes me straight back to that age. I like to get nostalgic sometimes. 

I listen to electro-pop sort of stuff a lot more now. I'm really enjoying CHVRCHES and Chlöe Howl (I've just googled her and she was born in 1995 - boy do I feel ancient!) at the moment, and basically anything with a good beat. But I think if I had to pick just one type of music to listen to for the rest of my life, it would be indie-rock, because it's just so easy to listen to. And I think I've got a new favourite band.

I recently downloaded the Shout Out Louds album Optica from iTunes and I cannot stress enough how good it is. A lot of the time I don't listen to a whole album in one sitting; I tend to make a playlist and listen to it on random. But this is one of those rare albums that I actually like all the songs on it.

Particularly this one:



Sun and Sleet

Last Sunday I was walking around without a coat, eating an ice cream in the sunshine. This morning, we had sleet. And now, it's gloriously sunny again.

It really irritates me when the weather is so changeable. I just like it to stay the same all day, it's hard to know what to wear otherwise. It is definitely still tights weather though!

Jumper: New Look
Dress: H&M
Boots: Dorothy Perkins

Song of the Day: Sidewalks by Story of the Year


Sunday Snapshots

Let's hope the weather sticks around!

Song of the Day: On My Own by Boy Kill Boy


Things for my imaginary house part 2

A British winner won the euromillions jackpot last night, and I'm really hoping it was me and Jack because honestly, 108 million pounds would really come in handy. I've just got to wait for Jack to come home from work and check his numbers. Fingers crossed (because that always works!).

I think if I was to win the lottery (it's bound to happen someday - the odds are definitely in my favour!), the first thing I'd want to buy is a house. I'd love to have my own house to decorate however I wanted; a place that I could really call my own. I've been bookmarking a few pieces of wall art that I would potentially want on my walls one day.

I love this Alice in Wonderland print via Not on the High Street. Plus it's true!

I love the Back to the Future films, so obviously I love this print by Wasted Rita. I just think it's nice and subtle, and it's pretty cool.

Gemma Correll makes great, funny art and I love this print, it works so well as a clock. 

Finally, because I'm a massive nerd, this trio of Star Wars posters by Etsy seller timeanderson310. I think they're awesome.

You can see part one of Things for my imaginary house here.

Song of the Day: Going Away To College by Blink-182



My main problem with writing is that I’m a terrible procrastinator. I know that I’m not the only one – I think pretty much everyone is guilty of procrastination. I used to be terrible when I was writing essays at university. I always got them done of course, but I managed to drag out the process for much longer than needed with the amount of times I’d stop writing to do something else, like the washing up or tidying the flat. I remember when it was the week my dissertation was due in and I was trying to get it finished, my friend rang me to see if I wanted to go to Morrisons with her, and despite not needing anything, plus being well aware that I needed to be spending all my time on getting it finished, I decided that going to Morrisons was a great idea. 

Obviously, any writing I’m doing at the moment has no deadline, unless I set one for myself. I have no one to answer to, and no obligations, so it’s much less guilt-inducing when I allow myself to be distracted. Another problem of mine is that I seem to suffer from a false sense of accomplishment. I’ll write a paragraph or two, give myself a big pat on the back and decide I’ve done enough to deserve a reward, which could be anything from having a cup of tea, to giving myself the rest of the night off and watching a movie. 

It's looking very likely that I'll be starting a long distance writing course soon, and although I'm allowed four years to complete it, I really don't want to take that long, so it's going to be important for me to make myself some kind of timetable that fits around work. Sticking to personally set timetables has always been an issue for me but I think in this case I'll really be able to sort something that works. Of course there'll undoubtedly be a little bit of procrastinating, but hey, I'm only human.

Cardigan: Miss Selfridge
Jumper Dress: Dorothy Perkins
Boots: New Look

Song of the Day: Don't You Forget About Me by The Wind & The Wave. The original is one of my favourite songs but this is a really good version.


A good article and a cute video

I read an article on the Huffington Post this week entitle 'Maybe you get bad customer service because you're a bad customer'. It's really well worth a read, and as a waitress who has experienced customers such as the one mentioned in the article, I can totally relate. There's an appropriate way to complain about something, and yelling at someone isn't the way to go.

Also, watch this adorable video of a little girl and her dad singing Tonight You Belong To Me. So cute.

Happy Weekend!

Song of the Day: I Hear The Bells by Mike Doughty


One Day at a Time

I'm trying really hard to be more present. I feel like I spend a lot of my time wishing my life away, without really realising that's what I'm doing. Even just little things, like wanting August to hurry up so I can go on holiday. Obviously, there's nothing wrong with looking forward to your holidays, but August is still 5 months away, and an awful lot can happen in 5 months. Instead of sitting around willing the time to go faster, I'm going to start trying to live each day properly and embrace whatever comes my way.

That being said, I have started dressing a bit too Spring-y for the temperatures. Sometimes it's really not as warm outside as it looks. It's the sun; it tricks me. I know it looks wet on the ground here, and that's because literally minutes before I was going to go outside and take my outfit photos, the skies darkened and we had a two minute downpour. It quickly stopped, but it kind of ruined the mood I was in!

Shirt: New Look
Top: Matalan
Jeans: Marks & Spencer
Shoes: I really can't remember. Matalan?

Song of the Day: Daughter by Loudon Wainwright III

Currently Reading: The Shock of the Fall


Quiet Sundays

Two things today on this lazy Sunday. One, I have the most adorable new bunny slippers from Next. And two, my hair grows so fast. I think it's time for another trim.

Hope everyone's been enjoying their weekend. Mine has been quiet, just how I like them :)

Song of the Day: No Rain by Blind Melon

Currently Reading: The Shock of the Fall 

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