

The internet is a glorious place. And here's some links to prove it.

I love this adorable song and video from Metro Trains Melbourne. I saw a clip of it on Rude(ish) Tube and had to hunt it down to watch the whole thing. So, so cute.

Game of Thrones related comic by SeeMikeDraw. And while you're there, you may as well look through his other comics, they're super funny.

Wanna see some adorable photos of animals with stuffed animals? Of course you do.

Also, funny test answers from smart-ass kids.

Here's some animals being publicly shamed for doing naughty things. Number 7 is my favourite.

Finally, another video. Jimmy Fallon and Paul Rudd lip sync battle on the Tonight Show.

Aaaaand I think that'll do.

Song of the Day: Get a Taste by Sprung Monkey


Chocolate Coma


I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter with lots of chocolatey goodies. I got quite a lot. I was going to photograph my stash to put on the blog but unfortunately, there have been some casualties and it doesn't look as impressive a collection anymore! Lets just say I felt a little bit sick Sunday night.

Eat responsibly, kids.

Speaking of chocolate though, I really need to cut down. Obviously now is a difficult time to attempt a chocolate fast as there is currently a 12-pack of Creme Eggs in the fridge, but you know, when they're gone. I've just been noticing that a few of my jeans feel a but tighter than they were before, so I want to trim up, ever so slightly.

Top: Matalan
Jeans: Dorothy Perkins
Wedges: Matalan

Song of the Day: Half The World Away by Oasis


Spring Florals

The weather is pretty perfect at the moment I reckon.

It wasn't quite warm enough here to go sans tights, but we're almost there. It's getting into that time of year where it seems like Bank Holidays are every other weekend, which is annoying because they can be a nightmare at work. Sure, I don't have to work the Sundays anymore, but I will get all the Mondays. Joy.

Shirt: New Look
Skirt: Matalan
Shoes: Deichmann

Song of the Day: Most of the Time by Josh Canova



There's nothing better than eating a cupcake in the sunshine.

I made these yesterday and they are super yummy. I used the Hummingbird bakery chocolate cupcake sponge recipe and then just made a standard butter-cream if you're interested.

I'm trying to teach myself how to make a blog design. I want to update mine, just so it looks a little bit more professional. At the moment it's just a blogger simple design with a few tiny tweaks, but I want to learn a bit more about html and try and upgrade it myself. We'll see how that goes!

Other than that, I'm continuing to write, work, and enjoy much needed down-time on the weekends. In a word, I'm content. It's nice.

Song of the Day: Life's A Happy Song from The Muppets soundtrack. I can't stop singing it, so catchy!


Sunday Snapshots

A few miscellaneous photos that I didn't have a blogpost for but I like too much not to share.

Also, a bonus sneak preview of an upcoming outfit post. I started taking photos here, but this was the only one I liked, so I moved. But I wanted to share this one!

Happy Weekend :)

Song of the Day: Something To Say by Toad the Wet Sprocket


A trip to Bakewell

Last week, I had a few (paid!) days off because the pub where I work was getting a minor refurbishment. This time off beautifully coincided with my parents coming home for a couple of weeks. So we went to Derbyshire to visit my grandparents, and popped into Bakewell for a spot of lunch and a little wander around.

My brother, who couldn't come as he was working, gave us strict instructions to pick him up a proper Bakewell pudding while we were there. There are actually two shops, right round the corner from each other which both claim to sell the original pudding. We went to this one, at any rate. My honest verdict? I hated it, but I think I was in the minority. Give me a Mr. Kipling Bakewell tart any day.

I do appreciate a good window display...

It was a pretty miserable day, but the rain largely managed to hold off until we were heading back to the car. Bakewell is a lovely, quaint little town. Even newer buildings have been built in the style of the older ones so nothing looks out of place. It's very picturesque, well worth a look around!

Song of the Day: Adventure Time by BriBry


What a difference a day makes

I made a playlist of quiet/slow songs because I don't like silence but I'm too easily distracted by anything upbeat. Of course, quiet/slow songs are almost always sad, and Broken by Jake Bugg just came on and now I feel utterly despondent. 

So here's some photos from when it was sunny! Remember that, when it wasn't all pollutiony (totally a word) in England? Those were the days.

It's weird that these were only taken two days ago because now it feels like winter again. But then at least it's a good excuse to sit inside and drink copious amounts of tea.

Cardigan: Matalan
Top: Oasis
Jeggings: New Look

Song of the Day: Chicago by Sufjan Stevens


Out in the cold...kind of

Every time the sun shines and I decide to go and sit outside to enjoy it, a huge cloud comes along, obscuring the sun (and the warmth) for at least ten minutes. Every single time. Without fail. Maybe I'm cursed? Who knows.

I've officially enrolled on my writing course now, so I'm excited to see where that takes me. I've already started to make more of an effort to write, both in my notebook and on the computer. In fact, this blog post originated in my notebook today as I was sitting in the garden.

I think that's one of my favourite things about writing - you really can do it from anywhere.

Song of the Day: Light Years Away by Mozella

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