

Flip-flops from Accessorize (old). Please excuse my pasty legs.

Everything I needed for a little relax in the garden.
Book Harry was so sassy.
A slight over-correction whilst editing made the clouds look much more dramatic than they actually were. I liked it.

Dress - Dorothy Perkins. A bun is essential on hot days.

Dandelions, helpful reminders that the lawn needs a good mow.
Song of the Day: When The Sun Don't Shine by Best Coast


Everybody's working for the weekend

After one of the most horrendous weeks at work I have ever experienced, I've never been so glad for Saturday to roll around. It's nice to have a day just for me, where I can do as much or as little as I like. So far today I've been writing, thinking about writing, listening to music, and eating leftover Chinese food. Bliss.

Also, I've been rounding up some lovely links for you. Because I'm just that nice.

Here's a video of Novak Djokovic and a ball boy during a rain delay at the French Open. It made me so happy.

If you're in the mood for a laugh, have a read through the top client stories entries on Clients From Hell. Thank me later.

I couldn't get to sleep the other night so was browsing Netflix and they have a newer version of Pingu on there, so I pressed play to see if it was as good as the original. I turned it off after about a minute because it's terrible, they ruined it. But, it did lead me to finding all the old-school episodes on YouTube. Honestly I don't think I've ever related to a fictional character as much as I relate to Pingu. He's just so desperate for attention, it's hilarious. So if you fancy a trip down memory lane, go here...

After a photo of Steven Spielberg on the set of Jurassic Park went viral, a lot of people on Facebook thought he actually killed a dinosaur. I do worry about humanity sometimes.

I really want this Goonies t-shirt from Truffle Shuffle:

Actually, there's a lot of t-shirts I want from Truffle Shuffle. Like this one and this one.

Right, I'm off to have an ice-cream. Happy weekend!

Song of the Day: Americana by The Offspring



...is a day for anxious Wimbledon watching.

Come on Roger! Or Novak! I don't really know who I'd rather win, I like them both. It's very confusing.

I went to see How To Train Your Dragon 2 yesterday with Jack, and it was so good. Not quite as funny as the first one, but it's a really heartfelt story, lots of adult emotions in it. I think it's more for grown-ups than kids.

All in all, a good weekend so far.

Song of the Day: Why Georgia by John Mayer

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