
The Happy List

My last blog post was pretty negative and I decided I didn't like that being the most recent thing on here, so here's some happy things instead:

  • An old friend from school sent me flowers and Belgian chocolates because I did her a favour that literally only took up 2 minutes of my time. People are nice.
  • I finally read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and even though the plot was convoluted and weird, Harry's kid and Malfoy's kid are best friends in it and that fills me with so much joy.
  • As it's getting towards Christmas, Boots seasonal 3 for 2 offer is back, and last week when I was helping Jack find presents for his cousins, he could only find two things that he wanted so I got some slippers for free as they were the cheapest item. They have hedgehogs on them and I love them. (And did I mention they were FREE? Because they were free.)
  • Speaking of Christmas, 'tis the season! It's my favourite time of year! Hooray!
  • I have been drinking a lot of hot chocolate and it's warm and toasty and comforting and, overall, great.
  • Jack bought himself a Nintendo 3DS and he's going to let me play Zelda.
  • We didn't get any trick or treaters again so I have leftover mini chocolate bars that I have been methodically making my way through, which is always the upside of Halloween. (The last time we had any trick or treaters was like 3 years ago or something and my brother was here and we didn't have any treats so James gave them little oranges. We were that house.)
It's always important to remember the nice things.

Song of the Day: Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco (The death of a bachelor, seems so fitting for/ Happily ever after, how could I ask for more/ A lifetime of laughter at the expense of the death of a bachelor)



I woke up this morning to discover the apocalypse had been ushered in whilst I slept. Oh, good.

Okay, so I don't pretend to know much about politics and all the intricacies and hierarchies and whatnot involved. And I don't like to talk about stuff like this on the internet usually because I don't have the energy to argue with people.

But I have to say something about Trump, because try as I might, I cannot fathom how he has managed to bullshit his way into the Presidency. I'm not saying Hillary Clinton is perfect, but she was qualified. She had bags and bags of political experience, and she was the only logical choice.

There's no question that she should have won.

How on earth has America gone from having Barack Obama as President, to electing a man who was endorsed by the KKK?

Bigotry, misogyny, racism and general intolerance won today. The history books are going to remember 2016 as a political shitstorm, worldwide. First Brexit, now this.

What the fuck is going on?

Song of the Day:

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