Floor Brownies

I had an absolute mare today.

I wanted to make brownies, and I had most of the ingredients, so I went into town for some unsalted butter and chocolate chips, the only things I was missing. It's a nice, fairly warm, sunny day, and I was wearing a shortish dress over my thick black tights. As soon as I stepped outside, I realised it was a bit more windy than I had anticipated, but nevertheless, I kept on walking. I live up a hill, and it wasn't until I got to the bottom of it that I discovered that it was indeed just windy enough to blow my dress up. Lovely. However, as I have said, I live up a hill, and not even an awkward walk around town holding onto my dress would make me go back up and change. Laziness wins every time. Besides, I wasn't going to take long, right? Wrong.

There are two Spar shops very close to where I live, so I went to the bigger one. They had almonds, dried fruit, glacier cherries, and a few other bits and pieces that you can put in cakes, but no chocolate chips. Also, no unsalted butter. This meant that I had to walk all the way across town to Co-op, where luckily they did have what I needed, but it added about half an hour onto my 'quick' shopping trip, which is quite long when the dress you're wearing isn't particularly wind-friendly.

After about a million years (because I ALWAYS get stuck behind slow walking people who take up the whole pavement), I got back to the flat and started making my brownies. They were supposed to take about half an hour in the oven, so after the half hour had gone I went to see if they were done. The oven in our flat is stupid because it doesn't open down, it opens to the side, like a door. It makes me paranoid whenever I'm getting things out of it because it always starts to close on me and I'm worried about burning myself. So anyway, with my trusty (crap) oven gloves on, I had one hand propping open the door, and the other trying to guide the brownie tin forward to see how much longer they needed. Anyway, I still don't quite know how it happened, but the tin just slid out of the oven and the brownies (which were nowhere near done) plopped out and onto the floor. I sat there, on the floor for a moment, inwardly cursing my life, before running back to the living room.

"Daaaaaaf, you need to come and help me."
"Yeah, in a minute."
"No, you need to come and help me nowwwww."

Daf thought it was hilarious.

"Stop laughing, we need to get it back in the tin so I can put it back in the oven."
"You're still going to cook them?"
"I went out specifically for chocolate chips, I am cooking those brownies."

Daf managed to get the gloopy mess back in the tin, and they successfully cooked, so hopefully they don't taste like floor. I'm so glad we don't have carpet in the kitchen, it would have been a disaster. I took a picture on my phone, it's not the greatest quality but I didn't really have time to whip out the Nikon D90.

Yeah, it looked like cow-pat. Yum.

They'll still taste great.

Today I'm loving: Creme Eggs, I got some from Poundland. Money-saving and delicious.

Today I'm hatin': I think it should be pretty obvious from this post.

Song of the Day: Bad Day by R.E.M
It's been a bad day/Please don't take a picture

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