I have a degree! I am the very proud owner of a 2:1 in History. Relieved doesn't even begin to cover it. I woke up at about 6am, and checked to see if the results were up on my phone, which they weren't, so I struggled to get back to sleep. When I finally did, I had a horrible dream where I only got 2 marks for my dissertation, but it wasn't telling me what I had overall, so I didn't know if I'd passed my degree or not. I woke up thinking it was real and I couldn't understand how it was possible that I'd only got 2 marks - then of course I realised it was a dream, checked the time and it was only 7.45am. And I still had no results. They finally appeared on my student record at about half 8 and so I was pretty chuffed not to have failed.
Daf and I celebrated in great style by going to see Transformers 3 at the cinema. It was good; a bit long, but good. Although, when you've got ROBOTS and EXPLOSIONS and SHIA LABEOUF you can't really go wrong. Because of the teachers' strike, there were quite a few kids in the cinema and I ended up sitting next to one who kept talking to his brother/mate next to him and eating his popcorn really loudly. As it got nearer the end, I think he started to really need the loo because he kept jigging up and down in his chair and swinging his legs around. He was kicking his chair which impacted my chair and I really wanted to punch him in the face (except not really because he was just a kid, but my point is that it was really annoying). This is why children should not be allowed to go to the cinema. Also it was the middle of the day on a Thursday, I know there's strikes, but couldn't they have been given enough homework to last the whole day? Education these days...
Anyway, now I'm writing this while Daf's hoovering for me. I had to give up my rights to the last cookie in order to get him to do it, but I think on the whole everyone's happy with the arrangement. Later, we're going to watch Star Wars: Return of the Jedi because that's how we roll.
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