
Watch This

...just watch it. Please. Oh, and make sure you have the sound turned up, otherwise it won't be nearly as funny.

I feel like my life is now complete.

Song of the Day: Christmas Lights by Coldplay

Currently reading: Nothing! I finished Letters from Father Christmas but I haven't gotten round to picking a new book. I'll get back to you when I have.


Monday Thoughts

My hours at work are currently all over the place, hence the blogging hiatus. But anyway, my brother and his girlfriend will be coming to visit this week, plus my parents get back from Saudi on Thursday so I'm excited for that. I've been waiting until everyone's here to put the tree up and I'm starting to get a bit impatient - I'm usually one of those people who puts up the Christmas tree on the 1st of December. I've shown a lot of restraint I think! Also, I've had a disaster with my advent calender. I accidentally opened the door for the 17th on the 7th and didn't realise until the next day. So now I'll have to open the 8th on the 17th. It might not seem like a big deal to normal people but I am strange and it has infuriated me, haha.

Did everyone see the X factor final? I'm kind of glad James Arthur won because he was definitely my favourite, but I think he was going to do well without winning, whereas I think Jahmene would have benefited more from winning, I feel like he's less likely to do well on his own. Also, James Arthur might find himself restricted by whatever conditions come with being the winner of the X factor. Oh well, I don't really care that much, I never vote on shows like that anyway!

It's that time of year again where I have been gifted some extra channels for the holiday, including Good Food, which has made me incredibly happy. I love watching cooking shows anyway, and Christmas cooking shows are just the best. Everyone knows that. So I've been watching a lot of old Jamie Christmas specials! 

Anyway, it's very cold today, and I have to wait in for a delivery, so it's quite nice that I've got an excuse not to go anywhere. Nigella's on soon - think I'll watch that with a huge mug of hot chocolate :)

Christmas song of the day: Please Come Home For Christmas by Jon Bon Jovi

Currently reading: Letters from Father Christmas - I nearly finished it last night but I fell asleep. Considering reading Life of Pi next because I really want to watch the film when it's out.


Happy December!

Hi guys. I hope everyone is enjoying December so far, I know I am. I'm waiting until my parents get back to put up the Christmas tree so that's going to wait until next week, but I have decorated my room and I of course have an advent calender. I love Christmas :)

I don't think I've worn this dress since last year. It's quite short at the back and the last time I wore it I went shopping and it was unexpectedly windy. This is not a dress to wear when it's windy!

Top: Dorothy Perkins
Dress: Topshop
Tights: Sainsburys
Coat: H&M
Boots: Dorothy Perkins
Necklace: Possibly Matalan

I still super love my coat, and I think it goes with this outfit pretty perfectly, which is nice as because the coat is patterned it's hard to pair with other patterned items of clothing. Anyway, I'll be back on Thursday (probably).


Photo Friday (Monday)

New photos! These were going to go up on Friday, but I genuinely had technical difficulties. The photos wouldn't load and I didn't have enough time before work to figure out why and try again. So here ya go.

Just a few snaps of my Christmas decorations in my bedroom. Christmas fever has well and truly taken over me, yesterday at work there were Christmas songs playing on the radio all day and after work I went to the cinema to see Rise of the Guardians (which is awesome).

I've also decided that throughout December, my songs of the day are going to be Christmas songs - hopefully not obvious ones like Slade and Wizzard, but we'll have to see , I might run out of lesser heard Christmas songs that I actually like.

Christmas Song of the Day: December Will be Magic Again by Kate Bush

Currently reading: Letters from Father Christmas - I'm almost finished, it's so lovely.

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