
I'm on a roll...

I think I'm starting to get the hang of organising my blog posts. The outfit photos in this post were taken last week some time, and I took some more today for a future post. It's just always useful to have photos stacked up and ready to go so that when it comes to days when I post, I have far less to do.  It's nice to have options on what I want to share as well.

The weather definitely seems to be improving. We're getting days that are dry (for the most part - we still seem to be getting a daily rain shower), and even sunny. I'm really looking forward to not needing a coat as well, even though I do really love mine!

It was pretty windy when I took these, I almost had a Marilyn moment with my skirt. Luckily no one was around, and I was in my own garden rather than a public place. Skater skirts aren't the most convenient for windy days - must remember that for next time.

Hat: Dorothy Perkins
Coat: H&M
Scarf: Gift (Dorothy Perkins)
Top: Dorothy Perkins
Skirt: River Island
Boots: Dorothy Perkins

I have a lot of stuff from Dorothy Perkins apparently...

Song of the Day: Sympathy by The Goo Goo Dolls

Currently Reading: The Shock of the Fall


Monday Funday

Need cheering up on this Monday afternoon? Watch this advert.

This little girl is my hero, she's so enthusiastic.

I came across this LEGOgrapher photo series on Bored Panda by photographer Andrew Whyte. It's really clever, well worth a look.

In other news, over the weekend I bought a new TV for my room. A flatscreen one that takes up far less room than the old one - which, in fairness, was about a thousand years old (that might be a slight exaggeration). Today I've had a massive tidy and de-clutter in my room and I feel so much better for it. Tidy space, tidy mind.

I also added a lot more photos to my Flickr account, so if you want to see any photos I've taken, many of which that have never been featured on the blog, then please feel free to have a look at my photostream. And here's a preview :)

Song of the Day: Tell Me I'm A Wreck by Every Avenue

Currently Reading: The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer


Tartan and Cats

Not a whole lot to say today, so here's some outfit shots instead.

Cardigan: Matalan
T-Shirt: River Island
Skirt: New Look
Tights: ASOS
Boots: ASOS

Song of the Day: Missing by Everything But The Girl, just because it came on the radio when I was doing the washing up and it's such a tune.

Currently Reading: The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer


Photo Effects

My Dad recently introduced me to a photo editing app called Snapseed. I found a free demo version for Windows and have been having a lot of fun playing around with it, and thought I'd share a few images.

Song of the Day: Save Me by Forty Foot Echo

Currently Reading: The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer 


Holiday news!

I don't want to speak too soon but I think that Spring may be on it's way. It definitely feels much warmer outside anyway. Although maybe I'm just trying to wish away the months because Jack and I have booked a holiday to Rome, but we're not going until the last week of August, so we've got a bit of a wait! I haven't been on holiday for what will be 3 years when we finally go, so it's long overdue and I'm so excited!

I'm actually a bit under the weather today, I've even got someone to cover my shift at work tonight. I have a cold and it's giving me a headache - send good vibes my way!

Shirt: H&M
Jumper: Marks and Spencer
Jeggings: New Look
Boots: ASOS

Song of the Day: Look What Happened by Less Than Jake

Currently Reading: Smoke and Mirrors


Roses and Hats

This Valentine's Day, I got bought flowers for the first time ever.

The boy did good :)

Also, Jack's mum made me a minion hat from Despicable Me.

I think it's pretty much the most awesome thing ever.

Song of the Day: Prophets by A.C. Newman

Currently Reading: I've gone back to slowly reading Smoke & Mirrors. I'm getting there.


Looking down...

In the vast majority of my outfit photos I look down. I guess this is because it still feels a bit awkward, standing in the garden taking photos of myself. But then again, I look down a lot in general, especially when I'm walking. I watch my feet. Not because I'm afraid of making eye contact with anyone, but because I want to see what I'm stepping on. I like to avoid the dog poo and chewing gum.

Also, today I kind of managed to put my hair into a side-plait! I've wanted to do this for ages but they always look a bit clumpy on me because my hair is so thick. I had to pin this back awkwardly at the back of my head as well because the top layers are too short to do it properly. Maybe when my hair gets a bit longer.

Denim Jacket: Dorothy Perkins
Top: River Island
Dress: Dorothy Perkins
Shoes: New Look

Song of the Day: Home By Now by Bombay Bicycle Club

Currently reading: I'm ashamed to say I still haven't started a new book since finishing Eleanor & Park. I will soon!


Sunday Snapshots

Thought I'd share a few snaps I've managed to take this week.

Excuse the poor quality, I took this with my phone. On Thursday I made cookies but I didn't leave enough spaces between the cookie dough. As a result, they all spread out and joined together to make a giant cookie bake kind of thing. Still delicious.

Pretty candles.

A quiet evening listening to some good tunes...

...and reading Eleanor & Park, which I've now finished. Time to find something new I think.

Song of the Day: No. 1 Party Anthem by Arctic Monkeys

Currently Reading: I'm between books, but I think I might start the new Bridget Jones next.


It's okay to feel good!

So today I feel cute as a button. I took these pictures and I love them so much. Is that conceited of me? Because it shouldn't be. Anytime that you just feel like you look great (whether or not anyone else agrees with you) should be a time that you celebrate. Girls are constantly bombarded with conflicting information about how they should look and behave - you're encouraged to make yourself look good but you aren't allowed to acknowledge when you do. It's a sad world we live in when confident girls can instead be accused of arrogance. Apparently it's much more appealing for girls to be insecure.

But here's the point I'm trying - very inarticulately - to make. No one feels beautiful or cute or whatever other word you want to use every single day. So on the days when you do, embrace that feeling and wear it like it's a badge that says 'I am fantastic' on it. Because when you feel that content it shines out of your face.

I've reminded myself of that Roald Dahl quote from The Twits - 

A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.

It's just something that I think is worth remembering.

Hat: Gift
Cardigan: Gift (Warehouse)
Skirt: Topshop
Leggings: Dorothy Perkins
Shoes: Primark

Song of the Day: Happy by Pharrell Williams

Currently Reading: I started Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell the other night and I'm already about 3/4 of the way through - it's just one of the books you can devour.

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