
Day Five: Faceless self-portrait

Just the one today.

It's weird that I was able to stand outside in the sunshine with just a cardigan for warmth when it was snowing yesterday. What is going on? Anyway, I have set up a side blog called Emma Wears Things which this photo also features in today. It's a personal style blog, I've wanted to do outfit posts for a while now but it didn't really seem to fit in with what Useless Ramblings is all about. So if you like style blogs, by all means come and take a look; if not, it's probably not for you. It's very, very new at the moment, so I'm still a bit awkward in front of the camera. Honestly I'm just trying to convince myself I don't look like a tit. It's fun though!

Song of the Day: This Is Your Life by Switchfoot

Currently reading: I Dreamed of Africa. Still. It's The Hobbit all over again.

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