
Day Two: Pattern

Without further ado...

One: Matching recipe folder and notebook. I got these in WHSmith and loved the pattern, plus I'd been looking for a recipe folder/binder/organiser for ages.

Two: Emma Bridgewater address book that my parents got me for Christmas the year before last.

Three: The three of them together.

Four: A purse that I found yesterday in my room, I'd forgotten that I had it but I'm glad I found it, it's so pretty.

Five: I bought this dress from New Look a couple of weeks ago - I really liked the colours and the pattern. Can't wait until the weather's right for me to wear it!

Six: Close up of the dress.

Seven: Group shot of today's finds.

It's been quite gloomy today so I've been playing around with the white-balance on my camera to brighten it up a bit, so my challenges are already making me learn things! Awesome.

Song of the Day: You Shout You Shout You Shout You Shout by The Automatic

Currently reading: I Dreamed of Africa

1 comment:

  1. Big fan of the dress, very cute! I cant wait for Scotland to make up its mind about giving me a good-weather bon voyage. Sure hope Edinburgh gets its act together soon.


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