
Days 20 & 21: Friends and somewhere I went (Alton Towers)

I've merged days again for Friday and Saturday. And you probably won't get today's photo until tomorrow when I'll probably have to merge another two days. I'm OK with it though, it's nice that life gets in the way.

Anyway, so I've been to Alton Towers where it turns out I'm a nervous roller-coaster rider. I must have only been 8 or 9 the last time I went to Alton Towers and all I could remember was going on the Runaway Mine Train and the fact that my dad went on absolutely nothing. The last time I remember going on a roller-coaster at all it was at some sort of fair type place, and I was probably a little too small for the ride because I felt like I was holding onto the safety bar for dear life. And memories like that stay with you. Lydia thought she would break me in easy by going straight for Oblivion. This was my face as we approached the front of the queue.

Pasty with fear. Thanks to Soph for snapping this beauty.

Here are the photos I managed to take. I didn't want to take my Nikon D90 so I just took Daf's little point-and-shoot camera, which still gets the job done nicely enough.

I know you can't see the people all that well, but Soph and Lydia are in that carriage. I sat out of going on Sonic Spinball, as just looking at it made me feel a little bit queasy, and I had started to lose my nerve a little bit towards the end of the day! After this we went on the Log Flume, where I sat in the front and got absolutely drenched.

This is the closest I got to a photo of my friends, but in all fairness it wasn't much of a taking photos day, we were too busy going on roller-coasters and stuff.

Until next time...

Song of the Day: Grapevine Fires by Death Cab for Cutie

Currently reading: The Book Thief

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