

In person, this outfit looks much better than it does in these photos. I took a bunch of photos outside but only ended up with one that I actually liked.

So then I came inside, and didn't like those photos all that much better, which is why there's only three today!

Top (under jumper): Dorothy Perkins
Jumper: New Look
Shorts: Primark
Shoes: Dorothy Perkins

At least the weather finally seems to be improving!

1 comment:

  1. There's no need to show any more photos, these are perfect. I hate when people post twenty photos of the same outfit, as a couple of photos are more than enough to show what you're wearing. So, to me, this post is perfect :) . Amazing shoes, by the way!

    By the way, I’m hosting a giveaway in my blog: a very unique totebag from Romerobags. Feel free to participate in http://diaryofamoderndaylady.blogspot.com/2012/03/modern-day-lady-first-giveaway.html . Good luck!


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