
Hey guys, am I doing this right?

Hi! I am Emma of Useless Ramblings and this is my brand new personal style blog! I've wanted to do an outfit post on my blog for a while now but that wasn't really what I started Useless Ramblings for, so I decided to take the plunge and make a separate space of the internet for outfits and suchlike. I'm excited! And also apprehensive and honestly I don't really know what I'm doing yet. I'm determined to have fun figuring it out though!

I managed to chop my head off. In my defense, I don't have a tripod!

Jumper: Warehouse
Jeans: Dorothy Perkins
Necklace: Dorothy Perkins
Shoes: New Look

And finally, here's my face at a funny angle, just for you.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world Emma, you have got the hang of things so quickly. I love your garden photos, always find it is better lighting outside.

    Jing :)


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