
A splash of colour

I feel very colour co-ordinated today.

Top: Dorothy Perkins
Cardigan: Matalan
Jeans: New Look
Shoes: Dorothy Perkins
Necklace: Christmas present

The sun came out for about five minutes today, and now it's disappeared again and I don't think I'll see it again for a good few days. You've gotta love the British weather. It will majorly suck if this is what it's going to be like this summer.

I love my outfit today, it's comfy and colourful and super simple. Perfect for when it's not quite the right weather for pretty dresses and skirts.

Finally, here's a photo of me looking grumpy in a hat.


I don't know what day: Shadow

Well, I think it's fair to say I've failed my 30 day challenge. Since my last post I've only taken one photo for it. In my defense, the weather has been appalling, and so I haven't been able to get a sunset photo, and I didn't really want to get up in the pouring rain for an early morning photo. Never fear though, I'm still going to finish it, just in my own time now. No pressures. Hooray! Anyway, here's a shadow photo.

If you're interested, here's what I've done and what I've got left to do:

1.Self Portrait
3.Black and White
7.What I wore
11. Something broken
13.What I’m reading
15.Something I cooked/baked
18.Early morning
19.Easter Eggs
20.My stuffed animals
21.Somewhere I went
22.Little details
23.My room
24.A game
25.Something from my childhood
28.Faceless self-portrait

Here are some more snaps I've managed to take. The first one is of a fox in the garden, I didn't
actually take it, Daf did, I wasn't there. I have been seeing lots of foxes around though lately.

And here's the ones I took.

Squirrels are awesome.

Song of the Day: Calico by Alien Ant Farm

Currently reading: The Book Thief



Top: New Look
Dress: H&M
Boots: Brantano

It's still raining here in the UK and there's no end in sight, so I'm wearing my very summery dress as a skirt and layering up. I very rarely wear tops over dresses because I feel like a dress doesn't have a chance to shine if half of it is covered up (I know that sounds a bit ridiculous!). However I've decided that I don't want to limit my wardrobe, plus I'll take any excuse to wear this top again, I love it.

Anyway I'm seriously wishing for sunshine soon as I'd much rather take photos outside. The weather report doesn't make for cheerful reading though, I think we are supposed to have a month's amount of rainfall in 5 days. Joy.


Something different

So I'm taking a break from my challenge and putting something different on my blog for today. Suzy made a game and I thought it looked fun so I'm doing it too.

1) post your first ever facebook profile picture.
2) pick one photo {only one} from each consecutive year up to the present one. 
3) explain

I joined facebook in 2007 and picked this as my first profile photo:

This was taken at a friends house when she had a few people round for a BBQ. We decided to make punch which had more vodka in it than anything else and to say I was a little bit tipsy was an understatement. Anyway, I thought the photo was funny.


This was taken at my brother's leaving do before he left to go to Australia for a year. I think I was supposed to be dressed as an Australian (because obviously all Australian people wear hats like that).


My brother's girlfriend Pauline took this on my 20th birthday. It's probably one of my favourite photos, I just think it's really cool!


Me and Daf are so pretty. We had a BBQ and mini bonfire on the beach in Aberystwyth with some friends. It was pretty cold, and later on after the sun had gone down, a bunch of 16 year olds (I'm guessing they were about that) turned up and started fighting, and someone called the police and it was all very exciting.


Me with my brother again, this was taken just after I had all my hair chopped off, and it's one of only two profile pictures I had in 2011 - this is the less boring one. Plus I love a good cheesy smile.


This was on my blog yesterday, and I also made it my profile picture on facebook yesterday. I don't know why I like this photo so much, maybe it's the hair. Or the cool glasses.

I don't think I'll be able to do my photo challenge today because it's raining and I think most of the prompts I have left involve me having to go outside. Don't worry though, I'll get them all done.

Song of the Day: Snowship by Benjamin Francis Leftwich

Currently reading: The Book Thief


A glasses day

Glasses are cool now. Everyone's wearing them, don't you know. Even people who don't need them. I however do need them, I just fancied giving my eyes a break from my contact lenses for a day.

Dress: H&M
Cardigan: New Look
Shoes: Dorothy Perkins

I picked this dress up yesterday when my boyfriend and I ventured to the Merry Hill centre. Dresses with pockets are my new favourite things. I also picked up a mid-length skirt in the Miss Selfridge sale which had pockets, and it was only a tenner, down from £35. I'm a sucker for a bargain.

Days 22, 23 and 24

Three days in one. I've reached a new low. Today's prompts are a game, glasses and reflection.

A game:

We played Bananagrams. It's good. Like Scrabble, but better. 

My letters, game one

Daf's letters, game one. He was very proud of carnivore even though he didn't have space for it.

My letters, game two

Daf's letters, game two
I lost both games, so we didn't play again. I'm a sore loser.



I'm a little bit in love with this photograph
Also for your enjoyment, here's a photo of me in my glasses with ridiculous hair (I was trying to make it wavy - this was taken before I got too impatient and took out the plaits far too soon, oops.)

I'm so excited for this challenge to be over! Six more days, bring it on.

Song of the Day: Everything is Beautiful by Kylie Minogue

Currently reading: The Book Thief


Days 20 & 21: Friends and somewhere I went (Alton Towers)

I've merged days again for Friday and Saturday. And you probably won't get today's photo until tomorrow when I'll probably have to merge another two days. I'm OK with it though, it's nice that life gets in the way.

Anyway, so I've been to Alton Towers where it turns out I'm a nervous roller-coaster rider. I must have only been 8 or 9 the last time I went to Alton Towers and all I could remember was going on the Runaway Mine Train and the fact that my dad went on absolutely nothing. The last time I remember going on a roller-coaster at all it was at some sort of fair type place, and I was probably a little too small for the ride because I felt like I was holding onto the safety bar for dear life. And memories like that stay with you. Lydia thought she would break me in easy by going straight for Oblivion. This was my face as we approached the front of the queue.

Pasty with fear. Thanks to Soph for snapping this beauty.

Here are the photos I managed to take. I didn't want to take my Nikon D90 so I just took Daf's little point-and-shoot camera, which still gets the job done nicely enough.

I know you can't see the people all that well, but Soph and Lydia are in that carriage. I sat out of going on Sonic Spinball, as just looking at it made me feel a little bit queasy, and I had started to lose my nerve a little bit towards the end of the day! After this we went on the Log Flume, where I sat in the front and got absolutely drenched.

This is the closest I got to a photo of my friends, but in all fairness it wasn't much of a taking photos day, we were too busy going on roller-coasters and stuff.

Until next time...

Song of the Day: Grapevine Fires by Death Cab for Cutie

Currently reading: The Book Thief


I would like these please

I would like these please

Dorothy Perkins sandals, $44
ASOS shoes, $64
Call it SPRING pumps, £50
Pumps, $32
ASOS sneaker, $27
H&M sandals, £25
Dorothy Perkins pumps, $17
H&M sandals, £15

We're currently experiencing some truly horrendous weather, and I really need the sun to come out because I'm going to Alton Towers tomorrow and I'd rather not get drenched. Here's hoping!


Days 18 and 19

I missed a day. Shocking, I know. But honestly, it's been pouring with rain almost constantly for the last couple of days (and still is, by the way) and I have had little to no inspiration, and my 30 day photo challenge is feeling a tad like a chore at the moment. So here is two days in one.

Day 18: Something I wore

This is the dress I wore for my graduation, during which the label was sticking out the back of my collar for the entire ceremony and nobody told me. I didn't notice until I saw the footage from my dad's camcorder.

At least it's a pretty dress.

Day 19: My room

I kind of have two rooms at the moment. My bedroom (which is the one I photographed) is teeny tiny, so when my brother moved to Ireland I sort of commandeered his old room and that is where Daf and I currently live. I have so much stuff that an extra room comes in really handy!

I am super cool with my Jaws poster.

Anyway, tomorrow evening me and Soph are off to Lydia's house, and we're going to Alton Towers on Saturday. So excited. Here's hoping it stops raining sometime before then. I haven't been to a theme park in years, I really hope I don't suddenly decide I'm terrified of roller coasters. But my point is, I won't be able to post anything here until Sunday or maybe Monday, but don't worry because I'll still be taking photos for the challenge. I'll just be posting them late.

Song of the Day: Nobody by Eliza Doolittle

Currently reading: The Book Thief


Day 17: Self-portrait

You get little old me today, you lucky things.

I just ate a brownie with some ice cream and it was so good, so I'm pretty pleased I decided to make them. 

Song of the Day: Together In Electric Dreams by The Human League

Currently reading: The Book Thief


Day 16: Something I baked


Brownies are the best. I never dust icing sugar on them though, because 1) it makes a mess which infuriates me, and 2) I really don't think it adds anything - it's just icing sugar after all. I'm now wondering if it was such a good idea to make brownies when I'm still home alone. Oh well, I'm sure there'll be some left when Daf gets back!

Song of the Day: Zombie by The Cranberries

Currently reading: The Book Thief

The best shoes

I swear this dress has gotten shorter since I first bought it. I was walking up to Tesco earlier and kept pulling it down because I was worried it was riding up at the front, and I'm pretty sure no one wants to see my pants. 

 Dress: H&M
Top: Dorothy Perkins
Wedges: New Look
Necklace: Dorothy Perkins

I love these wedges, they're the best, so comfortable, and pretty too, which is always a bonus. Anyway, I'm going to go and make brownies now :)

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